Product Engineer, CTO & a Beer Enthusiast
Experiments, thoughts and scripts documented for posterity.
April 15, 2018
Instances in Public subnet will have internet access while instances in Private subnet don’t.
VPS details:
Public Subnet:
Private Subnet:
Login to AWS management console and navigate to the VPC console. Select “Your VPCs” from sidebar and click on “Create VPC”
Note: There will be a VPC created by default, DO NOT delete it or make any changes to it
Enter VPC CIDR details as belowName tag: MyVPC
IPv4 CIDR block* :
Leave the remaining settings as it is and click “Yes, Create” button. Note that, upon creation of “MyVPC”, it will automatically create a default “Route table” and a “Network ACL” for “MyVPC”.
Make sure to select “MyVPC” under “VPC” drop down menu and enter in “IPv4 CIDR block” for public subnet.
Now create Private subnet with CIDR
Create and Attach “Internet Gateway” to our newly created VPC “MyVPC”
Note: There will be a default Internet Gateway, DO NOT detach/delete it.
Once created, it will be in “detached” status. We need to attach it to “MyVPC”
Now “MyIG” status will turn into “attached”
In order to make the instances created in Public subnet internet accessible, we will create a new “Route table”, that will establish connection between Public subnet and Internet Gateway.
Note: It is not recommended to modify “main” route table that was created by default when “MyVPC” was lanched.
Create a new Route table with name “PublicRT”
Select “PublicRT”, click on “Routes” tab and “edit”.
Add “” as “Destination” and click on next box, it should list the “Internet Gateway” that we created before, select it and click on “Save”.
Associate this “PublicRT” with Public subnet “PublicNet”
Select “PublicNet” and click “Save”
That’s it!!
Now you’ll now be able to connect to internet from instances that are launched via Public subnet.
Note: Make sure that you have enabled “Public IP” or attached Elastic IP to the instance in public subnet.