//Karthik Srinivasan

Product Engineer, CTO & a Beer Enthusiast
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Scala Parser Combinators - SQL Parser Example

Mar, 2016

Scala Parser Combinators: https://github.com/scala/scala-parser-combinators

Scala Parser Combinators is basically a parsing framework for extracting data when there is a pattern in the given input. This framework provides a more statically typed, functional way of extracting instead of using regex expression which can get hard to read.

In this post, lets build a SQL parser where given a valid sql statement we can identify the "table" name, "column" names and other sql properties. Following are some fundamental functions, operations that Scala combinator provides which would help in parsing: Lets start out with a set of SQL statements and it's associated Parser code

select * from users

select name,age from users

select count(name) from users

select * from users order by age desc

select * from users order by name, age desc

select age from users where age>30