Product Engineer, CTO & a Beer Enthusiast
Experiments, thoughts and scripts documented for posterity.
get { respondWithMediaType(`application/json`) { complete { //Some object response } } }In this method, each route/action would have to be explicitly set with media type of json. More info at
import spray.httpx.Json4sSupport import org.json4s.Formats import org.json4s.DefaultFormats import com.example.model.Customer class CustomerServiceActor extends Actor with CustomerService with AjaxService { implicit def json4sFormats: Formats = DefaultFormats . . . .For example purpose, lets update the getCutomer action to return a mocked customer. The expected response should be a json formatted customer object.
path("getCustomer" / Segment) { customerId => get { complete { val customer = Customer( id = Some(customerId), firstName = "Karthik", lastName = "Srinivasan" ) customer //return customer obj } } } /* [GET] http://localhost:8080/getCustomer/123 [Response] {"firstName":"Karthik","lastName":"S","id":"123", "city":"New York","country":"USA"} */
//The customer case class is as follows: package com.example.model case class Customer( firstName: String, lastName: String, id: Option[String] = None, phoneNumber: Option[String] = None, address: Option[String] = None, city: Option[String] = Some("New York"), country: Option[String] = Some("USA"), zipcode: Option[String] = None ) {}
import org.json4s.JsonAST.JObject path("addCustomer") { post { entity(as[JObject]) { customerObj => complete { val customer = customerObj.extract[Customer] //insert customer information into a DB and return back customer obj customer } } } } /* [POST] http://localhost:8080/addCustomer { "firstName" : "karthik", "lastName" : "srinivasan", "zipcode" : "01010" } [Should return] {"firstName":"karthik","lastName":"srinivasan","city":"New York","country":"USA","zipcode":"01010"} */Further reading on json4s at