Product Engineer, CTO & a Beer Enthusiast
Experiments, thoughts and scripts documented for posterity.
import com.mongodb.casbah.MongoCollection import com.mongodb.casbah.MongoConnection object MongoFactory { private val SERVER = "localhost" private val PORT = 27017 private val DATABASE = "customerDb" private val COLLECTION = "customer" def getConnection: MongoConnection = return MongoConnection(SERVER) def getCollection(conn: MongoConnection): MongoCollection = return conn(DATABASE)(COLLECTION) def closeConnection(conn: MongoConnection) { conn.close } }
class CustomerDal { val conn = MongoFactory.getConnection def saveCustomer(customer: Customer) = { val customerObj = buildMongoDbObject(customer) val result = MongoFactory.getCollection(conn).save(customerObj) val id = customerObj.getAs[org.bson.types.ObjectId]("_id").get println(id) id } def findCustomer(id: String) = { var q = MongoDBObject("_id" -> new org.bson.types.ObjectId(id)) val collection = MongoFactory.getCollection(conn) val result = collection findOne q val customerResult = result.get val customer = Customer( firstName =[String]("firstName"), lastName =[String]("lastName"), _id = Some([org.bson.types.ObjectId]("_id").toString()), phoneNumber = Some([String]("phoneNumber")), address = Some([String]("address")), city = Some([String]("city")), country = Some([String]("country")), zipcode = Some([String]("zipcode")) ) customer //return the customer object } //Convert our Customer object into a BSON format that MongoDb can store. private def buildMongoDbObject(customer: Customer): MongoDBObject = { val builder = MongoDBObject.newBuilder builder += "firstName" -> customer.firstName builder += "lastName" -> customer.lastName builder += "phoneNumber" -> customer.phoneNumber.getOrElse("") builder += "address" -> customer.address.getOrElse("") builder += "city" -> builder += "country" -> builder += "zipcode" -> customer.zipcode.getOrElse("") builder.result } }Now to integrate this to the service:
trait CustomerService extends HttpService with Json4sSupport { val customerRoutes = path("addCustomer") { post { entity(as[JObject]) { customerObj => complete { val customer = customerObj.extract[Customer] val customerDal = new CustomerDal val id = customerDal.saveCustomer(customer) id.toString() } } } } ~ path("getCustomer" / Segment) { customerId => get { complete { //get customer from db using customerId as Key val customerDal = new CustomerDal val customer = customerDal.findCustomer(customerId) customer } } } }More information and resources on Casbah: