//Karthik Srinivasan

Product Engineer, CTO & a Beer Enthusiast
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Micro Frameworks - Http - ORM

Dec, 2013

Not sure if you guys are keeping track of non-Microsoft based programming like node.js, but the new trend seems to be event driven programming. In .net world it's basically asynchronous programming. There were two articles that I came across recently, one was asynchronous wcf & other being asynchronous asp.net mvc

There has been a lot of buzz around http micro-frameworks in .NET world namely OWIN (Open web interface in .NET). First came Kayak [http://kayakhttp.com] and then came Nancy [https://github.com/thecodejunkie/Nancy], Nina [http://jondot.github.com/nina], ManosDeMono [http://manosdemono.org] and many more [http://owin.org/#projects]. All of these basically is one or more variation of Sinatra [ruby - http://www.sinatrarb.com]. Nina seems to be pretty cool, as they have support for different View Engines (Spark, django, Razor,haml). KayakHttp is a standalone server making it independent of IIS. My experience with Kayak has been quite pleasantful but you do need to remember it's a event driven programming model.

But like http micro-frameworks there are quite a buzz around micro-ORM too. Frameworks like Dapper.NET [http://code.google.com/p/dapper-dot-net] and Simple.Data [https://github.com/markrendle/Simple.Data] are gaining a lot of traction. Simple.Data is quite a framework for it's ability of plugin interface.